10 Brilliant Female characters from Indian shows and Movies?

Bollywood and Indian Cinema as a whole have portrayed the leading ladies as a prize for their counterparts. The female actors are often told to look good so that they can look attractive on the big screen. In earlier time there were no female characters are written with the depth or shades. There were no …

Top 10 love confessions of Indian Television

Conflict, love stories and Drama are three important elements in a television daily soap.  Audiences always love to watch a beautiful and passionate union of the love birds in the show. Love confessions are something that the viewers are eagerly waiting for. The romantic sequences are well planned and executed so that the television series …

Importance of Product placements in Movies as well as Daily soap?

Product placement refers to the practice of including a brand name, product or Signage or other trademark merchandise within a motion picture, television or other media vehicles for increasing the recognition of the brand in the market. The makers even go to the extent of altering the script of the movies and daily soaps to …

Will Bollywood get away with Intimate scenes in the Covid world?

Romance and Intimate affairs are considered a Taboo in the Indian culture. Romance is the favorite genre of Bollywood. Indian films are also adapting with the changing times and trying to be progressive even though there have been cultural barriers even now. The makers of the film industry have been making a lot of money …

Importance of a screen Test in the Bollywood Industry?

A screen test is a method of determining the suitability of an actor or actress for performing on film or in a particular role.  The developed film is later evaluated by the relevant production personnel such as the casting director and the director of the film. Bollywood always eyes for commercially successful movies so the …

Has the Fashion industry moved towards Diversity?

Diversity is defined as mix of something. It is a difference within a group of people. The difference can be gender, sexuality, disability and body image. The fashion brands generally want to be seen by the public as more progressive and refresh their image to keep up with the social change.  Fashion and brands have …

Why are actors replaced in Bollywood industry?

Bollywood industry is the most famous in India and abroad. It makes the most number of movies every year. The audiences and critics like the movies alike due to various elements like story, well written characters, twists and specific actors who the viewers like in a particular character. The audience tends to associate the actor …

Stereotypical representation of Indians in Foreign films and Television shows

Indians in films and television series made abroad end up building a certain image for themselves which is not at all relatable to Indians living in India. In the earlier times there was lack of actors with dark skin, the white actors used to fill their shoes with a lot of makeup on. There is …